Dynamic Osteopaths - Sports Injuries
Osteopaths consider each person as an individual. Utilising gentle techniques they will work with your body to create he perfect conditions to facilitate and encourage the healing processes in relation to injury and disfunction within the body.
Injury Prevention
Sporting activities are a regular way of life for many of us now, and involve people from across all ages from those who have an avid interest to those who just wish to keep fit; from the elite professional to the causal participant.
Many of the injuries that develop are the result of overuse i.e. playing too hard and too often common examples are tennis elbow bicep tendinitis, or from not warming up or cooling down properly.
Sometimes incorrect equipment can lead to injuries - ill-fitting foot ware can cause hip, knee and foot injuries (e.g. achilles tendinitis). Reduced joint flexibility will affect the degree of performance and may result in injury in injury if the player is unaware that they cannot perform to the same level as they used to, for example golfers who cannot turn as the waist as well as they used to, and the enthusiastic older footballer whose knees do not bend as well as they once did.
Young people especially are vulnerable in sport as their browning bodies are often expected to perform to high standards and are putting exceptional physical demands on themselves.
the good news is that although sports injures are common, those who are fit tend to recover more quickly from there injuries.
How Osteopathy can help
An osteopath can help improve performance as well as treat the injuries being suffered. By using their knowledge of diagnosis and highly developed palpatory skills, they can help to restore steal balance, improve joint mobility and reduce soft tissue adhesions and restrictions so that ease of movement is restored performance enhanced. For those looking to keep fit the osteopath can help to keep supple and help to improve muscle strengthen, tone and stability aimed at injury prevention.
Advice on diet and exercise which will help you with your specific sport may also be offered.
Important things to remember
Begin slowly and build up gradually, especially following an injury.
Warm up first and apply gentle dynamic exercises.
Keep well hydrated.
Exercise regularly, and try to alternate the types of exercise that you do.
Following a joint injury apply ice to the area for 10/20 mins. very 1/2 hours. Apply a bandage and elevate if possible.
Further information can be found be contacting Dynamic Osteopaths
E: info@dynamicosteopaths.com
T: 07966317712