Arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis is a term used for inflammation of a joint, usually as a consequence of age related degenerative changes, ultimately leading to joint structural compromise. This brief article will explain what can cause osteoarthritis and how osteoarthritis ca be treated at our osteopathic clinics in Solihull, Birmingham and Bromsgrove.
Some of the main predisposing factors and causes of osteoarthritis include the following:
- Age
- Hyper-mobility
- Previous trauma
- Obesity
- Mal-alignment/biomechanical compromise
- Vascular insufficiency
- Hormonal imbalances
Over a period of time this can lead to progressive softening and cartilage degradation. Osteoarthritis is mainly present in weight bearing joints, which are predisposed with progressive stiffening, reduced joint range of motion and a dull ache, associated with sharpe pain on the outer margins of the joint.
Our osteopathic clinics in Solihull and Birmingham have high amounts of experience in the treatment of arthritis - both conservatively and via specialist treatments such as hyaluronic acid and PRP injections. It is our aim to reduce the rate of patients having to have surgical interventions, with osteopathic treatment aimed at maintaining arthritic joint mobility and by promoting joint dynamic stability. This is done by addressing weaknesses of compromised joints, and addressing biomechanical (movement) dysfunctional patterns which may be increasing functional demands, mobilising and stretching joint capsules that may be associated with fibrotic (scar tissue) changes. Finally, it is our aim to provide specific motor training exercises, that allow joint to become more stable, in efforts to reduced the rate of further pain and dysfunction.
For further information please do not hesitate to get in contact with us on either of the following details:
01564 330773
