Orthobiological treatment merges traditional biological there with traditional orthopaedic healing and surgical techniques. Modern orthopaedics and musculoskeletal care is following the preferred strategy for treating joint pain and arthritis to repair, regenerate, and replace injured tissues as soon as possible. Here at Dynamic Osteopaths our philosophy is centred around joint preservation, NOT waiting too long before damage occurs, by which time it is too late. Tissue bio-engineering has been around for a long time, and we are particularly interested in cartilage health. We are fortunate enough to be part of the International Cartilage Regeneration Society (ICRS). Although tissue Regenerative has been around for some time, much more work needs to be done. So what do we understand so far? We have growth factors that will dictate, healing repair and recovery. There are more than 1,000 different types of growth factors in human blood, and each plays a role in tissue healing. At some point in our lives, we have heard of stem cells. These migrate to the site of an injury in the body and release their growth factors, often instructing other cells to perform specific healing activities, such as laying down new collagen fibers or forming new. Incredibley, these growth factors are now used for stimulating tissue healing, with varying success. There are avid proponents of each type, which come from a variety of sources. These include bone marrow fat tissue and blood (PRP, or platelet-rich plasma). Each of these techniques of tissue growth stimulation has reported successful outcomes across a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders including tennis elbow, partial tears of rotator cuffs, partial ACL tears, tendonitis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniations, bone bruises, and Achilles injuries. The clinical data is accumulating very rapidly in the field of orthopaedic medicine. Growth factors are used to accelerate healing and to drive the healing of tissue toward normal regeneration rather than the formation of scar tissue. In arthritic joints, stem cells release potent anti-inflammatory agents which reduce pain and may stimulate the production of more lubricating factors. These benefits seem preferable to the use of cortisone, which shuts down healing. Find out more on how these Ortho-biological treatments can help you by getting in touch.
www.dynamicosteopaths.com We have practices operating from Solihull and Birmingham. 01564 330773Â