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Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Alleviates Low Back Pain Involving Sacroiliac Joint

Writer's picture: Adam WhatleyAdam Whatley

For patients with chronic low back pain

Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is often a very common cause of chronic low back pain affecting millions of people throughout the world.

Injection with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is effective for reducing pain, according to a study published online September 27 in Pain Practice.1 The efficacy and safety was examined 

of PRP vs methylprednisolone in SIJ injection for low back pain. Forty patients with chronic low back pain diagnosed with SIJ problems were randomided into 2 groups and received either treatment via steroid injection and local anaesthetic with 0.5 mL saline OR PRP treatment with 0.5 mL calcium chloride SIJ injection.

The researchers found that the PRP group had significantly reduced pain at 6 weeks and at 3 months. The efficacy of steroid injection was reduced to 25% at 3 months, while in the PRP Group it was 90%. Patients receiving PRP had a reduction of pain score to over 50% from baseline. 

It was concluded that the intra-articular PRP injection is an effective treatment modality in low back pain involving SIJ.  

Full paper HERE

Here at Dynamic OsteopathsDynamic Regenerative Medicne we offer Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for low back pain and SIJ pain, Birmingham and Solihull.

01564 330773

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